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Calculating Percentages Made Easy With Calculator

How Do You Work Out Percentages On A Calculator

Learn how to calculate percentages using a calculator with step-by-step instructions, formulas, and examples. Perfect for quick and accurate calculations!

How Do You Work Out Percentages On A Calculator?

Percentages are an essential part of everyday life. They offer a way to represent numbers visually, making it easy to understand relative sizes and changes. Calculating percentages is also something you will need to do regularly in your studies, work, or personal life. But how do you work out percentages on a calculator?

The good news is that calculating percentages on a calculator is very straightforward. First, decide what percentage you need to calculate. Then, enter the number you want to calculate the percentage of, followed by the % sign. Finally, press the equals button to get the answer. For example, to calculate 20% of 100, you would enter 100, followed by %, then 20, and press =. The answer is 20.

However, if you need to find the percentage change between two numbers, the process is a bit different. Use the formula: [(New Value – Old Value) / Old Value] x 100%. For example, suppose you want to calculate the percentage increase in your salary from $30,000 to $35,000 per year. The calculation would be [(35,000 – 30,000)/30,000] x 100%, which gives a result of 16.7%.

It's important to remember that calculators can make mistakes. Therefore, it's a good idea to double-check your calculations and use common sense to ensure that they make sense. Learning how to calculate percentages on a calculator can save you time and hassle on everyday tasks such as budgeting, shopping, and meal planning. It's a valuable skill to have.

In conclusion, working out percentages on a calculator is simple and easy as long as you follow the steps mentioned above. Mastering this skill will help you in many areas of life, such as finance, statistics, and business. Whether you're just starting or trying to improve your skills, practice makes perfect. So, give it a try, play around with numbers and percentages, and see how it works for you.

The Importance of Knowing How to Calculate Percentages

Percentages are incredibly important because they allow us to represent numbers visually, making it easy to understand relative sizes and changes. Calculating percentages is also necessary in many areas of life such as finance, statistics, and business. Knowing how to calculate percentages can help with budgeting, calculating grades, negotiating salaries, among other things.

Calculating Percentages on a Calculator

Calculating percentages on a calculator is an essential skill to have. It's a straightforward process: Simply decide what percentage you need to calculate, enter the number you want to calculate the percentage of, followed by the % sign, and then press equals. For instance, to calculate 20% of 100, enter 100%, followed by 20, then press '=', and the answer is 20.

However, if you need to find the percentage change between two numbers, the calculation is a bit different. You need to use the formula [(New Value – Old Value) / Old Value] x 100%. For example, suppose you want to calculate the percentage increase in your salary from $30,000 to $35,000 per year. The calculation would be [(35,000 – 30,000)/30,000] x 100%, which gives a result of 16.7%.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While using a calculator, it's essential to be aware of common mistakes that might affect the accuracy of your calculations. One common error, for example, is forgetting to convert a decimal into a percentage or vice versa. Another common mistake is entering the numbers in the wrong order when trying to find out how much a percentage represents of a number. Therefore, it's always advisable to double-check your calculations and use common sense to ensure that they make sense.

How to Work Out Complex Percentages

Working out complex percentages often requires a bit more work. Typically, this happens when dealing with multiple percentages, such as figuring out the tax on a purchase. In this case, it's best to break down each percentage into separate steps and use the formula for calculating percentages repeatedly. Using a calculator can help, but it's also important to know how to do it without one.

The Difference between Percentage and Percentile

The term percentage refers to a portion (or fraction) of 100. For example, expressing 75% means 75 parts per 100 or 75/100. However, percentile is slightly different. A percentile is a measure of statistical position, indicating the value below which a certain percentage of observations fall. For instance, if you score in the 90th percentile on a test, it means that you scored higher than 90% of people who took the exam.

Table Comparison - Calculating Percentages by Hand versus Using a Calculator

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Calculating by hand Easier for simple calculations, builds mental math skills Can be time-consuming, prone to errors, limited accuracy
Using a calculator Quick and efficient for complicated calculations, high accuracy May lead to over-reliance on technology, troubleshooting required for certain models


Calculating percentages is an essential skill that everyone should master. Even though calculators have made it easier to calculate percentages, it's still critical to know how to do it by hand as well. Doing calculations by hand helps build skills, increases accuracy while also reducing the risk of making mistakes. On the other hand, using a calculator saves time and energy and can handle complicated calculations quickly and accurately. Knowing both methods can be extremely beneficial in different situations.

In conclusion, calculating percentages is an important and necessary skill. Whether you're using a calculator or doing it by hand, it's vital to double-check your calculations to avoid errors. It's also important to understand the difference between percentage and percentile and to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each method of calculation. Mastering the skill of calculating percentages can help in a variety of life situations, and is definitely worth the time and effort.

Understanding the Basics: An Introduction to Calculating Percentages on a Calculator

Calculating percentages is an essential skill that is used in various aspects of life, from finance to mathematics. With the advent of technology, calculating percentages has become even easier thanks to the availability of calculators. In this article, we will explore how to work out percentages on a calculator, covering different scenarios and techniques to ensure accurate calculations.

Choosing the Right Calculator: Selecting the Suitable Calculator for Calculating Percentages

Before delving into the intricacies of percentage calculations, it is important to choose the right calculator for the task at hand. Most calculators available today have a percentage key, making it convenient to perform percentage calculations with ease. However, it is recommended to opt for a scientific calculator or a graphing calculator, as they offer additional functions and capabilities that can be advantageous when dealing with complex percentage calculations.

Decimals or Fractions? Converting Numbers into the Appropriate Format for Accurate Calculations

When using a calculator to work out percentages, it is crucial to input numbers in the appropriate format. This usually involves converting numbers into decimals or fractions, depending on the situation. Decimal format is commonly used for precise calculations, while fractions can be useful for expressing percentages in a more intuitive manner. It is essential to understand how to convert between the two formats to ensure accurate results.

Calculating Percentage Increase: Determining the Percentage Increase Between Two Values

Percentage increase is a concept often encountered in various scenarios, such as analyzing sales growth or evaluating investment returns. To calculate the percentage increase between two values using a calculator, the formula is straightforward. First, subtract the original value from the new value. Then, divide the difference by the original value and multiply the result by 100. The calculator can quickly perform these calculations, providing an accurate percentage increase.

Calculating Percentage Decrease: Determining the Percentage Decrease Between Two Values

Similar to calculating percentage increase, determining the percentage decrease between two values is a common requirement in many situations. This calculation is useful for analyzing cost reductions or evaluating sales declines. To calculate the percentage decrease, follow the same process as for percentage increase. Subtract the new value from the original value, divide the difference by the original value, and multiply the result by 100 using the calculator. The resulting value represents the percentage decrease.

Calculating Percentage of a Whole: Finding the Percentage of a Whole Number or Quantity

Calculating the percentage of a whole number or quantity is another fundamental aspect of working with percentages. This calculation is often used to determine proportions or analyze data sets. To find the percentage of a whole using a calculator, divide the part by the whole and multiply the result by 100. The calculator can facilitate this process by quickly performing the division and multiplication, providing the desired percentage.

Calculating Percentage Change: Calculating the Overall Percentage Change in a Given Situation

Percentage change is a versatile concept that can be applied to various scenarios, such as measuring population growth or analyzing stock market fluctuations. Calculating the overall percentage change involves determining the difference between the new value and the original value, dividing this difference by the original value, and multiplying the result by 100. A calculator simplifies this process by instantly performing the necessary calculations, allowing for quick and accurate percentage change determinations.

Calculating Markups and Discounts: Employing Percentages to Determine the Markup or Discount on a Product or Service

Markups and discounts are commonly used in business and retail settings to adjust the selling price of products or services. Calculating markups involves adding a percentage to the cost price, while calculating discounts requires subtracting a percentage from the original price. A calculator with a percentage key simplifies these calculations. To calculate the markup, add the percentage to 100 and multiply it by the cost price. For discounts, subtract the percentage from 100 and multiply it by the original price. The calculator streamlines these calculations, ensuring accurate results.

Utilizing Memory Functions: Taking Advantage of the Memory Feature on a Calculator to Store Values and Perform Multiple Calculations

Memory functions on calculators can be incredibly useful when dealing with multiple calculations or when needing to store values temporarily. These functions allow you to store numbers or intermediate results for later use without the need to write them down or remember them. By using the memory feature, you can easily recall and employ these stored values in subsequent calculations, saving time and reducing the chances of errors.

Using the Calculator's Percent Key: Understanding How to Utilize the Percent Key to Quickly and Efficiently Calculate Percentages

The percent key on a calculator is a powerful tool that simplifies percentage calculations. By utilizing this key, you can bypass the need to manually convert numbers into decimals or fractions, saving time and effort. To calculate percentages using the percent key, simply input the whole number or quantity, press the percent key, and then enter the desired percentage. The calculator will automatically perform the necessary calculations, providing the accurate percentage.

In conclusion, working out percentages on a calculator is an essential skill that can be utilized in various fields. By understanding the basics, choosing the right calculator, converting numbers appropriately, and employing different techniques for specific scenarios, accurate percentage calculations can be easily achieved. Whether it's calculating percentage increase or decrease, finding the percentage of a whole, determining percentage change, or applying markups and discounts, a calculator is an invaluable tool that simplifies and streamlines these calculations. Take advantage of memory functions and the percent key to further enhance efficiency and accuracy. With practice and familiarity, working out percentages on a calculator will become second nature, providing you with a valuable skill for a wide range of applications.

How Do You Work Out Percentages On A Calculator


Working out percentages can be a useful skill to have in many areas of life, such as calculating discounts, understanding interest rates, or analyzing data. Using a calculator makes this task even easier and more accurate. In this article, we will explore how to work out percentages on a calculator and provide step-by-step instructions.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Percentages
  2. Using a Basic Calculator
  3. Using a Scientific Calculator
  4. Conclusion

1. Understanding Percentages

Before we dive into the calculator methods, it's essential to understand the concept of percentages. Percentages represent parts of a whole, with 100% being the entire amount. For instance, if you have 20%, it means you have 20 parts out of 100.

2. Using a Basic Calculator

If you have a basic calculator, follow these simple steps to work out percentages:

  1. Enter the number you want to find the percentage of.
  2. Multiply that number by the percentage you want to calculate.
  3. Divide the result by 100.
  4. The final answer is the percentage you were looking for.

For example, let's say you want to find 25% of 80. Here's how you would do it:

  1. Enter 80 into the calculator.
  2. Multiply 80 by 25: 80 * 25 = 2000.
  3. Divide the result by 100: 2000 / 100 = 20.

Therefore, 25% of 80 is 20.

3. Using a Scientific Calculator

If you have access to a scientific calculator, the process becomes even simpler:

  1. Enter the number you want to find the percentage of.
  2. Press the percentage key (%).
  3. Enter the percentage you want to calculate.
  4. Press the equals (=) key.

Let's use the same example as before: finding 25% of 80.

  1. Enter 80 into the calculator.
  2. Press the percentage key (%).
  3. Enter 25.
  4. Press the equals (=) key.

The calculator will display the answer directly, which in this case is 20.


Calculating percentages using a calculator can save time and avoid errors. Whether you have a basic or scientific calculator, the process is straightforward once you understand the concept of percentages. Remember to enter the number you want to find the percentage of, perform the necessary calculations, and divide by 100 if needed. With practice, you'll become proficient at working out percentages on a calculator.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post about how to work out percentages on a calculator. We hope that you found it informative and helpful. As we discussed, calculating percentages can be useful for a variety of tasks, from determining discounts to understanding increases or decreases in data sets.

The process of working out percentages on a calculator may seem intimidating at first, but it's actually quite simple once you get the hang of it. By following the steps we outlined, you should be able to calculate percentages with ease. Remember to keep your calculator handy and double-check your work to ensure accuracy.

If you're using percentages frequently, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with some common formulas and shortcuts. For example, if you want to increase a number by a certain percentage, you can multiply it by 1 plus the percentage as a decimal (e.g. to increase 100 by 25%, you would do 100 x 1.25 = 125).

Finally, don't be discouraged if you make mistakes along the way. Calculating percentages takes practice, and even experienced mathematicians make errors from time to time. Keep at it, and before you know it, you'll be an expert at working out percentages on a calculator.

Thank you again for visiting our site, and we hope to see you back soon for more tips and tricks!

People Also Ask: How Do You Work Out Percentages on a Calculator?1. How do I calculate percentages on a calculator?To calculate percentages on a calculator, you need to enter the percentage symbol (%) after the number that you want to calculate a percentage of. Then, multiply that number by the percentage in decimal form. For example, to find 25% of 100, type 100 and press the multiplication key, then type 25 followed by the percentage key.2. How do I calculate percentage increase or decrease using a calculator?To calculate the percentage increase or decrease using a calculator, subtract the old value from the new value, divide the result by the old value, and then multiply by 100. This will give you the percentage increase or decrease. For instance, if the old value was 50 and the new value is 75, the percentage increase would be 50%, calculated as (75-50)/50 x 100.3. Can a calculator display percentages as fractions or decimals?Yes, most calculators can display percentages as fractions or decimals. To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide the percentage by 100 and simplify the resulting fraction. To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage by 100. Some calculators have a function key for converting percentages to fractions or decimals, so look for that feature if you need it. In summary, calculating percentages on a calculator involves multiplying a number by a percentage in decimal form, while calculating percentage increase or decrease requires subtraction, division, and multiplication. A calculator can also display percentages as fractions or decimals.